Closet Detox was an educational platform for expanding dressing possibilities and self-empowering consumers with a sustainable approach. We helped people by extending possibilities among their existing clothing throughout their personal style. Promoting less consumerism and more versatility, clients learn how to keep in their wardrobes only garments that make sense to their lifestyles and that make them feel the best version of themselves.
Closet Detox started from the will of collaborating to a more sustainable fashion industry. We noticed people are encouraged to buy new garments, but not really educated on how to wear them accordingly to their reality - ending up with loads of clothing abandoned in the wardrobe. That’s why we decided to undertake with a service, not a product.
By becoming an entrepreneur, I developed skills of leadership, strategic design, communication, content creation, sales, finances, research and of course styling.
This service is designed to fix client’s dressing difficulties and extend the lifetime of garments. This is the structure I have co-created:
1. SURVEY - before visiting the client’s place, we submit a survey where the client responds about their dressing habits and expectations with the service.
2. DETOX - the first meeting, where each piece of clothing is analysed. We only keep the ones that make sense according to the client’s lifestyle. At the end of the meeting, we organize the wardrobe. Unwanted pieces go to sale or donation.
3. REFORMATION - the moment where some of the unwanted pieces go to the seamstress to be transformed into new items. To transform an old dress into a skirt, for example.
4. OUTFIT CREATION - the second meeting, where we take the existing clothing and the ones that came from the seamstress to create around 30 new combinations, teaching ways to value the client’s body shape and personal style. Outfits are photographed.
5. STYLE GUIDE - a PDF file with all the information exchanged in the process, with the pictures, new tips and future investments (if needed).
6. SALE - thrift store fairs are promoted to sell the unwanted clothes that are still in good shape. A commission is kept to cover fair expenses and the rest of the money goes back to the client.
Use the arrows to navigate through some of the stylings:
Closet Detox’s institutional video (english subtitles available):
In order to turn our method more accessible, we organised some workshops. We also give lectures to talk about our journey as entrepreneurs, sustainable fashion & circular economy.
My partner Bruna Holderbaum and I on a lecture at Feevale University.
Holding a workshop at our office in Porto Alegre.
Interview for national television about the Detox method.