During the university years I became very interested in laser-cutting and I started to use scrap material to create accessories. During the frugal years of the pandemic, I went back to this practice enrolling myself at KKV (a workshop for artists in Gothenburg, with a laser-cutter).
Since then, I participate in design markets and run an online shop. I'm present in the whole process of my brand. I buy the material, I draw the pieces, I cut, print, and assemble everything. Then I photograph, copy-write, advertise, and create the content for social media. I design the packaging, I pack, I post. I love every small part of this process.
On my Etsy shop, it’s possible to read great reviews from customers that are satisfied not only with the product but also with the pre and after-sale.
My "photo-studio”shot on film by Björn Wallin.