HOW Project was a visual communication project created to spread positiveness around, through interventions in the format of stickers, letters, instagram posts and prints. The name meant Hints of Wellness.
It started in Porto Alegre, Brazil, with stickers in strategic places in town with the message (translated to english) “Everything that happens is good”. It became viral on Instagram, with several shared posts. This is one instagram post from 2016.
In 2020, at the beginning of the crisis that changed the world as we knew, I created a new sticker and distributed in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Porto Alegre. This one says (adapted translation to english): “Nothing is permanent, everything is temporary”. These are pictures of random instagram posts, from people I don’t know.
Oslo, Norway
Copenhagen, Denmark
Trento, Italy
It was a new technique for me, and by practicing I accumulated loads of prints. Since they had been having very good feedback on my social media, I started surprising people with letters, donating and sending the prints & stickers anywhere in the world.
I created a map on Google My Maps and put a pin in each address that was given to me and in each place the interventions took place. In the case of the letters, each pin has the name of the owner of the gravure, with an image of this person’s reaction on social media (if happened) attached.